Music Stands

Explore our extensive collection of high quality music stands. From wooden to folding desk stands, from desktop stands to orchestral music stands, you will find exactly what you have been searching for.

For the musician on the move, we highly recommend the Tiger Lightweight Music Stand and Carry Bag. This fully collapsible music stand makes transportation and storage effortless, without any struggle!

For those who prefer a more elegant look, we host a fantastic range of wooden music stands. One of our more popular wooden stands is the Tiger Wooden Music Stand, which is just as practical as the rest, although it has a far more unique appearance.

Browse our wide range today and find the music stand you have been looking for!

Tiger Heavy Duty Sheet Music Stand - Orchestral
Tiger MUS7-BK Orchestral Music Stand, Fully Adjustable Sheet Music Stand – Black
Tiger Small Desktop Music Stand
Tiger Folding Music Stand
Tiger Easy Folding Sheet Music Stand with Bag - Portable Music Stand
£16.00 inc VAT
Theodore Bamboo Adjustable Tabletop Book Rest Sheet Music Stand 390mm x 280mm
Theodore Wooden Bamboo Adjustable Tabletop Book Rest Sheet Music Stand
Tiger Desktop Sheet Music Stand – Collapsible Tabletop Stand with Carry Bag
Tiger Orchestral Heavy Duty Music Stand Bag
Tiger Orchestral Music Stand Bag - Heavy Duty Carry Case
Tiger Drinks Holder - Stand Cup Holder Attachment
Tiger Clamp on Drink Holder for Music Stand, Mic Stand, Drum Kit – Cup Holder
Tiger Folding Music Stand Carry Bag
Tiger Folding Music Stand Carry Bag
Tiger Pack of 6 Orchestral Music Stands - New Improved Design
Tiger Pack of 6 Orchestral Music Stands - New Improved Design
£138.60 inc VAT
Tiger Portable Easy Folding Sheet Music Stand
Tiger Portable Easy Folding Sheet Music Stand
£13.00 inc VAT
Tiger Tablet Holder - Adjustable Handle
Tiger Tablet iPad Mount for Microphone/Music Stand with Clamp
Tiger MUS56-CL Portable Easy Folding Sheet Music Stand with Bag – Multicoloured
TIGER Telescopic Music Stand - Orchestra, School, Singer, Solo Musicians - Black
Tiger Wooden Music Stand - Adjustable Orchestral Sheet Music Stand
Tiger Wooden Music Stand - Adjustable Orchestral Sheet Music Stand
Tiger Music Stand Light with Dual Head & 4x Quality LED Lights
Tiger Music Stand Light with Dual Head & 4x Quality LED Lights
Tiger Orchestra Music Stand Light - 9 Quality LED's & AC Adaptor
Tiger Orchestra Music Stand Light - 9 Quality LEDs & AC Adaptor
Theodore 12 inch Conductor Baton with Long Handle
Theodore Conductor's Baton - 12" with Long Wooden Handle
Theodore Conductor Baton 14
Theodore Conductor's Baton - 14" with Long Wooden Handle
Music Stand Hire - One Week
Music Stand Hire - One Week
£25.00 inc VAT
Microphone Stand Hire - One Week
£4.99 inc VAT

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